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Research Papers
Abstracts of Nutrimenthe research papers.
Geiger 2008, Genetics meets metabolomics: a genome-wide association study of metabolite profiles in human serum. Public Library of Science, Genetics, Volume 4, Issue 11, e1000282, 2008
Kelly Morris 2008, Shedding light on the role of poverty in brain development. Vol 7 August 2008
Malerba 2008, SNPs of the FADS gene cluster are associated with polyunsaturated fatty acids in a cohort of patients with cardiovascular disease. Lipids 2008 Vol 43
Martinelli 2008, FADS genotypes and desaturase activity estimated by the ratio of arachidonic acid to linoleic acid are associated with inflammation and coronary artery disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008.
Koletzko 2009, Does dietary DHA improve neural function in children? Observations in phenylketonuria. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2009.
Lattka 2009, FADS gene cluster polymorphisms: Important modulators of fatty acid levels and their impact on atopic diseases. Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics 2009.
Lattka 2010, A common FADS2 promoter polymorphism increases promoter activity and facilitates binding of transcription factor ELK1. Journal of Lipid Research 2010.
Lattka 2010, Genetic variants of the FADS1 FADS2 gene cluster as related to essential fatty acid metabolism. Current Opinion in Lipidology 2010.
Roza 2010, Maternal folic acid supplement use in early pregnancy and child behavioural problems. British Journal of Nutrition 2010.
Szajewska 2010, Effects of iron supplementation in nonanemic pregnant women, infants, and young children on the mental performance and psychomotor development of children: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. American Journal of Nutrition 2010.