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Related Projects

This page provides links to other Food Science projects funded by the European Commission’s 6th and 7th Framework Programmes.


The EARNEST project is in Integrated Project funded under the Food Quality and Safety Priority of the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development. The project is investigating the long-term consequences of early nutrition by metabolic programming using an approach which integrates knowledge from randomised controlled trials, prospective observational studies and animal, cellular and molecular techniques.  This will enable a better understanding of the extent to which nutritional influences in early life can programme a person’s development and metabolism in adulthood.

Early Nutrition Academy

The Early Nutirion Academy extends the activities of the EARNEST project (e.g. training activities) beyond the EARNEST partnership. It will also be able to form a legal entity that can raise funds from sponsors to support and enhance the training and research activities beyond what EARNEST can achieve and that will survive beyond the lifetime of EARNEST.  It will be able to continue to support research collaboration (including the preparation of research applications, e.g. for FP7), training, and scientific communication.