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Nutrimenthe Articles

This page features articles about NUTRIMENTHE that have appeared in regional, national and international magazines.

October 2013: The CommNet Innovation Catalogue 2013. Case studies from 12 projects funded by the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme, including NUTRIMENTHE.

July 2013: “Nutrition and Mental Performance – the NUTRIMENTHE Project“. July/August 2013 issue of Complete Nutrition magazine

May 2013: “Does prenatal nutrition affect mental performance in childhood?” Issue 84 of Network Health Dietitians’ Magazine.

March 2013: “Diet affects mental performance”. Research Results magazine – European Commission.

July 2012: “NUTRIMENTHE – From instinctive feeling to science-based fact: revealing how early diet impacts mental development“. European Commission – CORDIS website.

June 2012: “An overview of the NUTRIMENTHE project“. Published in the Nutrition Bulletin.

November 2010: “Food for thought“. This article appeared in the  UK magazine, Families Oxfordshire and featured the work  and some of the results of NUTRIMENTHE.  It also provided guidelines from the UK’s Food Standard’s Agency on what women should eat during pregnancy. 

October 2010: “Enhancing Mental Performance“.  This article appeared in International Innovation magazine the “leading global dissemination resource for the wider scientific, technology and administration industries”.  This article, based on an interview with Coordinator Professor Cristina Campoy, provides readers with information about the objectves of NUTRIMENTHE and how the project is researching the link between diet and mental performance.

September 2010: Project Success Story. European scientists are on path to identify the optimum nutrition for the mental and behavioural development of children – CORDIS.

September 2010: This article written by researchers from NUTRIMENTHE partner, University of Milan, appeared in Pediatria the journal of Pediatria On Line, a web-based community of Italian paediatricians..