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About the Project : Management

How NUTRIMENTHE is managed

The day to day management and delivery of the work of NUTRIMENTHE is the responsibility of the Project Coordinator supported by a Project Manager and a Steering Group comprising individual Workpackage Managers.

Project Coordinator

Our Coordinator is Professor Cristina Campoy (right) a Paediatrician and Neonatologist from the University of Granada in Spain.  She is a member of numerous International Societies, ESPGHAN, ISSFAL, European Society of Perinatal Medicine, IPA, as well the director of the International Excellence Centre for Paediatric Research (EURISTIKOS) in Granada and Secretary of the Early Nutrition Academy.  She is the author or co-author of numerous peer reviewed papers and book chapters (>160) in national and international journals and has been involved as a partner in numerous European projects including NUHEAL, EARNEST, CASCADE and INMA (a Spanish Network of Excellence).

This is chaired by Cristina Campoy and comprises the Workpackage Managers. The Steering Group, as well as providing an oversight of the management of the project, oversees issues relating to technology, intellectual property, ethical issues, security and relationships with key stakeholders.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the ultimate decision making body of the project and comprises one representative from each organisation participating in NUTRIMENTHE.

Working Groups

Four Working Groups were established at the beginning of the project, Mental Performance, Diet, Anthropometrics and Communications. They ensure that standard working practices are established for activities that are common to more than one Workpackage.

 The Mental Performance Working Group is focused on gathering consensus and sharing experiences for the development of the cross-cultural Neuropsychology battery.

The Diet Working Group coordinates the daily intake questionnaire for children.  The output will be a consistent food frequency questionnaire for all countries participating in NUTRIMENTHE.

The Anthropometrics Working Group is responsible for the development of a protocol for anthropometric measurements for the different ages of the children taking part in NUTRIMENTHE.

The Communications Working Group is responsible for coordinating a consistent approach to how information and results are disseminated to incorporate all relevant stakeholders.

Advisory Board

This is made up of international experts who can provide a high level of critical analysis leading to added value and validation of the research of NUTRIMETHE. 

Workpackage Managers

Workpackage managers are responsible for the activities of their Workpackage, to ensure that the deliverables are achieved on time and within budget.

Partner Meetings

The Steering Group and General Assembly meet every 6 months at NUTRIMENTHE partner meetings, each one being hosted by a different project participant.  The partner meetings give the participants a chance to hold Workpackage Meetings, Working Group meetings and training sessions.