EU project finds infant nutrition can affect later obesity by up to 13%.
Long-term EU funded research with 1000+ EU-based children has found ‘early nutrition programming’ can deliver significant benefits in later life including big reductions in obesity. Professor Berthold Koletzko from the University of Munich showed that infants up to two years of age, fed lower protein formulas closer to breast milk, weighed less than infants fed high-protein formulas. The weight differential continued after six months when both sets of infants moved onto similar diets. If projected forward, the difference would be as high as 13% at age 14-16.
“This research has enormous potential for improving the health and well-being of future generations, reducing costs for health care and social services and for enhancing the productivity and wealth of societies” said Professor Koltezko.
For the full article, on the NUTRAingredients website click here.
For more about the Early Nutrition EU project, click here.