21st May 2013: Launch of British Nutrition Task Force Report ‘Nutrition and Development: short and long term consequences for health’

Registration for the launch of the British Nutrition Foundation Task Force report ‘Nutrition and Development: short- and long-term consequences for health’ is now open.

The report looks in detail at the vulnerable periods during early life where impaired growth or development may lead to chronic disease in later life. It describes the key issues relating to the critical windows of early life development with particular focus on the development of the gut and nervous system, and the perinatal effects of sex hormones in the programming of disease in later life. The report also examines the effects of early life diet and nutrition on chronic disease later in life. The areas examined include: obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, bone health, allergic disease and asthma, and cognitive function.

To view the programme and register go to: http://www.nutrition.org.uk/bnfevents/events/task-force-report-launch.

The conference is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives and the Association for Nutrition.