1st October 2009: ENA Granada Post Graduate School 2009

The next ENA Postgraduate Course will be held in Granada from 1-4 October 2009 which shall be focused on “Role of nutrition on Mental Performance and Behaviour”. The organising team consists of Prof. Berthold Koletzko, head of the Nutrition and Metabolism Division at the University of Munich, and Co-ordinator of the EU FP6 EARNEST Project and President of the Early Nutrition Academy and Prof. Cristina Campoy, Neonatologist at the University of Granada, and Co-ordinator of the EU FP7 NUTRIMENTHE Project, who in collaboration with her local team will make the course a reality.

These 3 & half days of Postgraduate School on “Role of Nutrition on Brain Development and Behaviour” will be held in Granada, Spain, at the Granada’s Sciences Park (https://www.parqueciencias.com/) in Granada city.

The ENA Postgraduate School will commence at 8:30 on Thursday, 1st October 2009, and will end on Sunday 4th October, around mid-day.

The fee for these 3 and half days of Postgraduate School is €400.
The fee includes:

  • Participation in all activities of the course
  • Course materials
  • Ground transportation
  • 1 meal & 2 coffee breaks per day
  • Dinner 3rd October
  • Diploma

The Registration deadline is 25th September 2009. There is a limit of 40 places on the course. For the registration form, click here.
Additionally, you should send to the organizer (ccfolgoso@gmail.com) a short CV to know your research topic and your specialty.

Pre-requisitions for participation includes previous experience in clinical or basic science research related to paediatric nutrition, and a career potential with potential work in paediatric nutrition research.

  • Clinicians
  • Nutrition researchers
  • Clinical nutritionists and dieticians
  • Industrial researchers, etc

The Postgraduate School is aimed at researchers and clinicians and other health care professionals interested in developing an academic career in early and paediatric nutrition.