18th April 2012: EURRECA/WHO Workshop: Deriving micronutrient recommendations: updating best practices.

EURRECA/WHO Workshop: Deriving micronutrient recommendations: updating best practices.

The EURRECA Network of Excellence, funded by the European Commission, was established to review and undertake the alignment of methodologies for the derivation of micronutrient recommendations in European populations. The aim of EURECCA is to produce a transparent, systematic and sustainable framework for establishing micronutrient requirements and for devising micronutrient recommendations. The publicity and awareness of EURRECA produced research and outputs in European Member States outside the EURRECA network needs to be increased. The need to achieve a sustainable dissemination and implementation of EURRECA results requires the involvement of all stakeholders. The success and sustainability of EURRECA evidence-based and transparent way of working is also dependent on successful communication with national nutrition authorities responsible for setting nutrient recommendations.

The purposes of the workshop are to:

  • Share current practices. Highlight variability in current recommendations’ and explain differences.
  • Discuss the added value of the EURRECA transparent process of setting micronutrient recommendations.
  • Identify common priorities and needs for setting micronutrient requirements in Europe.
  • Demonstrate the use of some of the EURRECAtools/databases relevant to the process of setting recommendations.

Both days will be composed of plenary sessions. During the second day parallel sessions will also be organised to discuss the following questions.

  • What are the uncertainties and issues in current practices and methodologies used for the derivation of country’s micronutrient recommendations?
  • What is the feasibility of the EURRECA approach?
  • What issues or questions are not addressed with the EURRECA flowchart?
  • Can we identify specific research needs?

Expected outcome

The outcome of the workshop will be an increased awareness of EURRECA outcomes and activities. A consensus paper identifying the common priorities and needs for setting micronutrients recommendations in Europe will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. A suggested journal is the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (Kärger).