The 20th International Union of Nutritional Sciences International Congress of Nutrition will take place in Granada (Spain) September 15th to 20th 2013.
It will be held in the Granada Conference Centre, one of the most modern and best equipped in Europe. The scientific activities run from the 15th to the 20th of September, 2013 and will include seven plenary lectures, debate sessions, parallel Symposia dedicated to major Food and Nutrition topics, with an estimated number of 64 Symposia, two Focus Symposium on Nutritional problems of Iberoamerica and Mediterranean regions and two sessions of poster discussions. In addition, two days Pre-Congress Satellite Symposia are being organised.
The scientific programme covers eight main tracks.
1: Advances in Nutrition Research
2: Nutrition Through Life Course
3: Public Health Nutrition and Environment
4: Nutrition and Management of Diseases
5: Nutrients and Nutritional Assessment
6: Functional Food and Bioactive Compounds
7: Food culture practices and Nutritional Education
8: Agriculture, Food Science and Safety
Download the draft programme here.
Please note that the deadline for abstract submission was extended until 17th February 2013.