The Euroscience Open Forum
The Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) is Europe’s largest, general science meeting and is held in a leading Europe city every two years. ESOF 2012 will be hosted in Dublin from July 11th-15th , 2012.
ESOF is an interdisciplinary, pan-European meeting, held under the auspices of Euroscience, which aims to:
•Showcase the latest advances in science and technology;
•Promote a dialogue on the role of science and technology in society and public policy;
•Stimulate and provoke public interest, excitement and debate about science and technology.
What happens at ESOF?
ESOF incorporates a number of distinct stands of activity:
•A Science programme of seminars, workshops and debates on the latest science and technology.
•A Media programme to promote science communication.
•A Careers programme for young researchers.
•A Science-2-Business programme to link basic research with industrial applications.
•An Exhibition to showcase the best of European public and private research.
•A Science in the City programme to engage with the general public.
•A Social programme to ensure that delegate experience is socially, culturally and intellectually invigorating.
Who attends ESOF?
The event is unique in the diversity of delegates who attend: it attracts top researchers from the natural sciences and the social sciences; business leaders; senior EU and government officials; and international scientific media. They come to discuss the best of European science and to address all of the current major global scientific challenges, including Energy, Climate Change, Food and Health.
Why Attend ESOF?
•To learn at first-hand of the latest advances in science and technology.
•To participate in debates on important, contemporary issues for science and society.
•To contribute to discussions on European policy.
•To engage with and question the leading international researchers in their fields.
•To meet old friends and make some new ones – ESOF2012 will attract researchers from across Europe and beyond, thus providing fantastic networking opportunities.