13th March 2014: The Power of Programming 2014
Welcome! On behalf of the EarlyNutrition Project and the Early Nutrition Academy (ENA), the Organising Committee is delighted to welcome you to “The Power of
17th November 2013: 8th World Congress on the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
The DOHaD 2013 Organising Committee are pleased to announce that the 8th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Diseases will be held on
29th October 2013: Feeding Healthy Minds – Maternal and Infant Nutrition and Children’s Brain Development
Food and Behaviour Research are enormously proud to be hosting this opportunity for you to hear from some of the world’s leading experts on the
13th March 2014: The Power of Programming 2014
Welcome! On behalf of the EarlyNutrition Project and the Early Nutrition Academy (ENA), the Organising Committee is delighted to welcome you to “The Power of
17th November 2013: 8th World Congress on the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
The DOHaD 2013 Organising Committee are pleased to announce that the 8th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Diseases will be held on
29th October 2013: Feeding Healthy Minds – Maternal and Infant Nutrition and Children’s Brain Development
Food and Behaviour Research are enormously proud to be hosting this opportunity for you to hear from some of the world’s leading experts on the
Welcome to the NUTRIMENTHE Project
NUTRIMENTHE was a research project funded by the European Commission through its 7th Framework Programme. The project looked at the role that diet plays in the mental performance of children. The project, which began on the 1st March 2008 involved scientists from 20 organisations from nine countries worldwide. It was coordinated by Professor Cristina Campoy from the University of Granada, Spain, and ran until December 31st 2013. For more details about the research that was undertaken visit our “About the Project” page.
View the final project newsletter (December 2013) here.
Recent NUTRIMENTHE project activity
The NUTRIMENTHE International Conference, captured on film
Conference footage, and key messages from the presentations given during the recent NUTRIMENTHE International Conference, can be seen in this short video.
NUTRIMENTHE’s latest research findings
Captured in filmed interviews with NUTRIMENTHE researchers here.
Good food for babies, the earlier the better
NUTRIMENTHE appears in this article, published by the European Union’s Horizon magazine. In the article, published November 2013, Project Coordinator, Prof. Cristina Campoy explains how early nutrition plays an important role in brain development and how the effects are “detectable even beyond childhood”.
The NUTRIMENTHE project is the subject of this documentary “Food for Thought” being broadcast on Euronews from 14th October 2013.
Brain Power from Brain Food for Children
NUTRIMENTHE is the subject of a case study in this Innovation Catalogue produced by the communications network, CommNet.
Keep up to date with NUTRIMENTHE
NUTRIMENTHE on You Tube. Click here to hear from NUTRIMENTHE’s partners about the work of the project.
The NUTRIMENTHE consortium at the project Kick-Off meeting, April 2008, University of Granada
NUTRIMENTHE (Grant Agreement number: 212652), is a Large Scale Integrating Project funded through Cooperation Theme 2, ‘Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Bio-technology’ of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme.